Try combining these four previously discussed exercises into a short waking routine first thing in the morning. The idea is to get your mind off to the right start each day.
Conduct a 1-2 minute mind priming as soon as you wake up. Lie there or sit on the edge of your bed and notice your initial thoughts. Are they positive and useful? Or are you already sabotaging your day with negative and unhelpful energy? If so, replace it with something better.
Once you’ve brushed your teeth, made some coffee, used the restroom, etc., write down a statement of gratitude and a statement of intent.
Next, spend five minutes working on perfect breathing. As you inhale, mentally “say” your statement of gratitude; as you exhale, do the same with your statement of intent. Internalize being thankful as a default, and push your objective out into the world.
Conclude with five minutes of meditation. Let your mind rest and become aware of how this feels. Then, go out and attack the day.
DISCLAIMER: RARE SENSE® content is not medical advice. Nor does it represent the official position or opinions of any other organization or person. If you require diagnosis or treatment for a mental or physical issue or illness, please seek it from a licensed professional.