If I had to narrow my top book recommendations to only a few, The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk would be on that list. The central tenet is that your body physically stores traumatic memories in various ways, and until you learn to process them, they can cause persistent dysfunction. Heeding that advice is crucial in the pursuit of mind fitness.
The question becomes, how do we find where our body is storing emotional energy and move it effectively? There are a myriad of approaches that involve professional therapists, but this week, I’d like to introduce you to a simple technique you can perform on your own. It's straightforward, and I’ve found it to be effective:
Find a comfortable seat, close your eyes, and spend a few moments tapping into your emotions. How do you truly feel right now? Are you depressed? Angry? Remember, no one is judging you, so be honest with yourself.
Take another few minutes to notice where you feel this. Is it emanating from a specific body part? Do you have any pain or tension somewhere that modern medicine cannot explain?
Now, give that feeling as much love as possible. Think of it as a small child who’s upset. What would you say to them? Come up with an internal mantra, and silently, in your mind, send them this message. It can be something like, “Shhh, everything is OK,” or “Calm down and let go.” Whatever works for you. The idea is not to resist this energy, which only makes it worse, but to reassure it so it flows appropriately.
Do this for ten minutes once or twice daily. Note that none of it should cause you discomfort or distress. If it does, please stop. If you are dealing with severe trauma, use your best judgment and get professional help as necessary.
DISCLAIMER: RARE SENSE® content is not medical advice. Nor does it represent the official position or opinions of any other organization or person. If you require diagnosis or treatment for a mental or physical issue or illness, please seek it from a licensed professional.
Nothing happened so I guess maybe I don't have any suppressed trauma. I'll try it again and look for some part of my body that responds. I do believe I'm just normally crazy and loving it!
Hmm, what does it feel like when you notice the trapped energy?